#331267322 - Turin, Piedmont, Italy. -10/22/2010- The food fair "Salone del Gusto". Fontina of Aosta Valley cheese.
Informacje o pliku:
ID: #331267322
Zdjęcie: Turin, Piedmont, Italy. -10/22/2010- The food fair "Salone del Gusto". Fontina of Aosta Valley cheese.
Data udostępnienia: Jan.13, 2020 14:08:41
Słowa kluczowe: round background closeup market store label health healthy natural storage food cuisine ingredient diet form tasty delicious meal rustic nutrition eat farm agriculture gourmet traditional organic culinary aged cheese dairy delicatessen italy italian taste aging production crust wheels seasoning products alpine milky seasoned piedmont fontina dop Aosta Valley italian food
Autor: LuigiB2302 - zobacz portfolio (3639)