#232368120 - DNIPRO, UKRAINE - DECBER 17, 2018: FOUR SEASONS Chamber Orchestra - main conductor Dmitry Logvin perform at the State Drama Theatre.
Informacje o pliku:
ID: #232368120
Zdjęcie: DNIPRO, UKRAINE - DECBER 17, 2018: FOUR SEASONS Chamber Orchestra - main conductor Dmitry Logvin perform at the State Drama Theatre.
Data udostępnienia: Dec.19, 2018 09:43:28
Słowa kluczowe: play isolated metal human classical style classic band traditional sound brass live music musical performance wood culture concert tone melody sheet harmony instruments instrumental Solo theatrical arms orchestra acoustic viola violin clef conductor musicians popular dnipro performers ensemble symphony vibrate compositions philharmonic symphonic
Autor: bulgarin.ua.fm - zobacz portfolio (33737)